Although the Pupukea site is currently four acres in size, the six towers were erected when the site was only two acres. Because Hawaii statutes allow towers to be a maximum of ninety feet in height, all six towers are nominally at maximum height. Towers 1 through 4 were erected ca 1976. Tower 5 and 6 followed shortly after.
In the photo below taken from the back of the property, tower 1 is farthest away and closest to the street. Tower 4 is shown in the front left. Towers 5 and 6 are not visible.

Antennas are mounted on the towers as follows:
Tower 1: 8 over 8 over 8 Telrex 15M mono-band Yagis. The top antenna rotates, the other 2 are fixed on USA and Japan.
Tower 2: 6 over 5 over 5 Opti-beam mono-band 20M Yagi over 2 OWA homebrew 20M mono-band Yagis. The top antennas rotates, the other 2 are fixed on USA and Japan. (The Opti-beam may be an OWA (Optimized Wideband Array).

Tower 3: 10(?) to 30 MHz M2 Log Periodic rotatable over a fixed 6m Yagi over a 5 element Telrex 15M mono-band Yagi fixed on VK/ZL.
Left to right: tower 5, tower 6, and tower 4 behind the palm tree.
Tower 4: 5 over 5 over 5 over 5 Hygain 10M mono-band Yagis. The top antenna rotates, the other 3 are fixed on USA, Japan, South America.
Tower 5: 4 element full-sized 40M OWA mono-band Yagi over a 2 element Moxon 40M mono-band Yagi over a fixed 40m dipole hanging from a side-mounted fiberglass pole: The tower also has a full size 160M sloping vertical with elevated radials attached.

Tower 6: 2 element JK 80M rotatable mono-band Yagi over an 80M inverted vee.
80m broad-band 4-wire cage dipole

October, 2020. The new 80m broad-band 4-wire cage dipole replaces the 80M CW Inverted V dipole. It is at roughly the 70 ft point on Tower 6 below the 2 element 80m yagi. It droops down on the ends to masts topped by pulleys extending from 2 planted surplus telephone poles. The masts are back-guyed to the fence on the property border.